Studies in Dance: Theories and Practices

Studies in Dance book series aims to further the goals of DSA by making widely available the rich and diverse scholarship that takes dance as its subject.

Ranging from new methods of historical inquiry to multiple theoretical perspectives, books in the series answer a growing demand for works that provide fresh analytical perspectives on dancing, dancers, and dances in a global context. Each volume in the series is accessible to specialist and layperson alike, providing a valuable resource for scholars and an informative education for the general reader.

Founded in 1988 as a scholarly journal, Studies in Dance History was redefined as a book series in 1994. It is now published by the University of Michigan Press. 

Authors wishing to submit proposals or manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Studies in Dance should consult these guidelines. Contact: [email protected]



2023 Studies in Dance book

Inhabiting the Impossible: Dance and Experimentation in Puerto Rico

Studies in Dance cover

This first-of-its-kind book brings together writing by artists and scholars to survey the lively field of Puerto Rican experimental dance across four decades. Originally published as Habitar lo Imposible, the translation in English features essays, artist statements, and interviews plus more than 100 photos of productions, programs, posters, and scores. Throughout, Inhabiting the Impossible provides fresh, invaluable perspectives on experimentation in dance as a sustained practice that has from the start deeply engaged issues of race, gender, sexuality, and politics. The book is also enhanced by a bibliographic section with detailed resources for further study.

Dance scholar Susan Homar was, until her retirement, a professor at Universidad de Puerto Rico. nibia pastrana santiago is an artist and choreographer based in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Clare Croft, Series Editor
SanSan Kwan, Associate Editor, First-Time Authors Program
Ruby MacDougall, Editorial Fellow 2023 (January-June)
Crystal Song, Editorial Fellow 2023 (July-December)
To see the full Editorial Board, visit the Leadership & Management page