Graduate Student Awards

Click each award listing for information on eligibility, nominations and past awardees.

Selma Jeanne Cohen Award

This award aims to encourage graduate student members of DSA by recognizing excellence in dance scholarship.

2024 Awardees:

  • Kristopher Pourzal, "Black Feminist Geography and/as Choreography: Angie Pittman’s 'Came Up in a Lonely Castle' "
  • Yao Xu, " 'As if Zhao Feiyan was Incarnated in Zhang Qi'-- Configuring the Modern 'New Woman' in Dance on Hands in Republican Era China"

Graduate Student Travel Awards 

Each year, three grants will be made to graduate students to help defray the costs of attending the annual conference. 

2024 Awardees: Christiana Ajai-Thomas, Dahye Lee, Alejandra Martorell, Amy Schofield, Menghang Wu